Monday, August 16, 2021

Monday, Monday

 No, I am not channeling the Mamas and Papas

    Although I did have a crush on Cass.  I loved her voice and persona.  

    No, its just that Monday seems to set the tone for the week.

    And if so, then this will be a good week.

    Rehearsal went pretty well.  We missed a line or two here and there, but we are getting better.

    Our wood for the flooring got delivered today.  I know it will cause me some hurt, because it is stacked in the dining room.  When I roam the house at 3 a.m. I will probably walk into it and fall.

    Friend Linda suggested putting my flashing red bike light on the pile as a warning and I think I will do that.

    Linda, Dan and Julie from New Yawk were here for a little light refreshment.  Yes, wine was involved, a delightful rosé from Provance that I got at a local grocery store.  Fleur de Mer, which I believe is flower of the sea.  I am finishing the bottle as I write this.

    Because of rehearsal, I only had a small taste this afternoon.  But it is a nice wine.

    For some reason we got talking about  bodily functions.  Of course, I had to mention my Italian experience.

    In 2013 we rented a villa in Tuscany.  Several people joined us, including Chicago John and his wife Katthy.

    One day John, Kathy and I headed for Sienna, a World Heritage Site and darn neat city.

    I had everything mapped out...the route, where to park, all you needed to know.  

    But as we got closer to the city, I had a strong urge to evacuate the morning cup of tea.  I figured  no worry, since the parking lot was very close to where we were.  But the parking lot was being used for a fair.  

    There we sat.  In traffic.  In Sienna.

    I had to pee so hard sweat was dripping down my forehead. Traffic was not moving.

    So I jumped out of the car, ran behind one of the walls of this UNESCO world heritage sit and relieved myself.  I kept hoping there were no cameras to witness this desecaration of a historic site, and double hoping no one would come along and yell at me.

    I then got back in the car and within 5 minutes found a parking garage with a bathroom, which I now did not need.

    I would like to say that was the only time I had to resort to such drastic measures, but suffice it to say some Tuscan wine may have had a more earthy tone the following year.

Peace and Love

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