Tuesday, August 10, 2021


We finally got some rain today 

    There was almost 1.5 inches in the rain guage, but the rain was not the big story.

    We had strong wind!  I was afraid our patio furniture would end up in the kitchen, it was blowing that hard.

    We lost power, briefly, four times.  It would go off, come on, go off, come on.....finally it stayed on.   On my way to rehearsal I ran into some fire trucks and police cars blocking Flagg Road, so I assume a power line was down.

    I saw lots of branches and one huge tree down.  I have to go out tomorrow and put my windmill back up because my anchoring was not strong enough to hold it.

    On my way home from rehearsal there were several utility trucks on IL 38, I again assume power lines were compromised due to the storm.

    The sky was really ugly at the start of the storm.  I am thankful it did not morph into something more destructive.

    On a positive note, I now have beans!  

    No, not from the garden, but from friend Curt who had a surplus in his garden and kindly shared it with us.  That was really nice of him to bring us some.  But more than the vegetables, we enjoyed the visit.

    I am emotionally drained due to the storm.  I really don't handle these things very well.  I am hoping for a good night's sleep.

Peace and Love

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