Friday, August 13, 2021

weding, riding, and hit a brick

 I accomplished a lot outside today

    I weeded the raised gardens.  I do have beans, and they do have flowers.  My carrots are doing well, but the cucumber is just not going very fast.  It will bea race now to see if any cucumbers develop before the first frost.

    I    may have olanted the wrong tomato plant.  The tomatoes are gigantic.  I thought they were big boys, but they may be beefsteak. In any case, they are huge....and green.

    Then I trimmed and mowed.  I timed it today, a little over an hour to mow.  Throw in 20-30 minutes to trim, and it's a full afternoon.  I did get a little close to one of my larger rocks.....the blade clanged off of it and dislodged it from its resting spot.  I have to remember to put it back in place tomorrow.

    I also weeded along my back wall, which had not been weeded yet this year.  It was a grassy mess.

    I have a weed that is  abundant throughout the yard.  I believe it is called parslain, or purslain.  It is all over the place, but especially in my veggie garden.  Luckily it pulls out easily.

    Now I have 3 bags of weeds to drop off someplace.

    Tomorrow is corn day.....going to freeze another 2 or 3 dozen.  Not sure if we will do more than that.

    Luckily the weather has cooled off, and the humidity has dropped.   Hopefully, that lasts for a few days.

    I hope to check the sky tonight to see if any meteors appear.  I did see one, around 2:30 yesterday morning.  Far below the 30-40 an hour that were expected.  The clouds certainly did not help.

    By the way, happy Friday the 13th....the only one of this year!

Peace and Love

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