Monday, August 30, 2021

high hopes

I got really excited today 

    For a few seconds, I thought I actually was a winner!

    Every year Amboy Depot Days has a 50/50 raffle.  I mentioned this a couple of weeks ago.  I bought some tickets, and bought some for friend Linda.

    The drawing was this past weekend.

    This morning the phone rang.  I looked at it.  It was from Amboy!

    I answered it.  I said hello, a voice said hello.  Then he said, in a heavily foreign accent with a lot of background noise, "I am Mark and I am calling for American Health...."   Click.

    Telemarketer, not a prize.

    Excitement, then anger.

    I really need to learn how to take a photo texted to me and move it to my computer.  I spent 20 minutes tonight trying to do that.  I thought I could e-mail it, but by the time I went through all the steps I evidently changed my Yahoo password and set up a new account.  

    I have been reading a book on Hoopla, a book lending service.  I have renewed it three times.  When I went to read today, Hoopla was down.  When it came back on line, the book had been returned and I had to renew it again.  

    Turns out I was one page from the end.  So I renewed it, then returned it.  Should have taken the extra time to finish it.

    By the was one of the weirdest books I have read.  The Color of Magic.  Terry Pritchard is the author and he has the wildest imagination I think I have ever encountered.

    Finally...cooked burgers.  Cheese burgers.  With thick slices of Beefsteak tomato.

    It was a good meal.

Peace and Love

Thanks, Amy and Terry, for the banana dacquiri...or however you spell it!

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