Friday, August 20, 2021

1 down......

We had our opening night tonight 

    I thought it went well. I may have missed a line or two, but on the whole, it was a good show.

    People laughed.  A lot.  We have been rehearsing it so long the lines were no longer funny to us, but to fresh ears they are very funny.

    I think  lot of people were just glad to get out.  Return to normal.  Be with a crowd.  I just hope everyone had their shots and no one brought the dreaded Covid in with them.

    As a lark I asked our director if I could sell Rotary calendars in the hallway afterwards.  She said yes, and gave a plug for the calendars in her director's remarks.  I sold four!  I plan on doing that every show.

    The big news around town is we are getting a Starbucks!  It is next to the Walgreen's and is causing me some conflict.  I love Starbucks, so much in fact, that I bought stock in the company a couple of years ago.

    But I love Cypress House too. 

    So where will I go for coffee?

    I am operating on two ideas:  alternate sites, or buy at Cypress House in town and at Starbucks in DeKalb or Rockford or where ever I happen to be that has a Starbucks.

    Why can't the world be a simpler place?

    And now, I need to unwind.

Love and Peace

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