Tuesday, August 3, 2021

old timers or focus?

 Sometimes I just am lost

    Literally and figuratively.

    I went to Sycamore today for a medical thing and arranged to pick up some medication for Corki at the vet.

    I have driven that route dozens of times.  Dozens!

    So I have no idea why I  passed the turn for the vet!  Right passed it.  As I drove passed, I said to myself, "Huh.  You should have turned there."

    So I turned around in a corn field entrance  and went back to the road.  

    This morning I was putting Jackie's compression sock on.  I use the blue medical gloves when I do that, because they allow me to grip the sock.  Plus, my hands don't seem to hurt as much.

    I got the sock, her slippers, the gloves, her pants and sat on the floor to put everything on her and ....... no blue gloves.  I looked under me, under the pants; I looked in the drawer where the socks are, in the bathroom, on the bed, under the bed.....I could not find them.  They had vanished into thin air.  Twilight Zone??

    So I got another pair.

    When I went to put Jackie's pants on her, the gloves fell out of one of the legs.

    I thought I was loosing what is left of my freaking mind.

    But tonight was the worst

    Aside from botching some lines at rehearsal (some being a benign term for screwing up several), I intended to stop and get gas after rehearsal.

    I figured my car was running pretty low.....only 60 miles to empty according to the on board computer.

    Imagine my surprise when I could not find my wallet.  I could not find my wallet because it was at home on the counter.

    So tomorrow, I hope the 48 miles the computer says I can go is enought to get me into town for gas.

    I swear, growing old has its moments.  Most of them crappy.

Peace and Love

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