Tuesday, August 31, 2021


 Our floors are done!

    They finished today, but I can't walk on them for a while.  I could walk on them tonight, but the longer I stay off, the better it is.

    So....the doors are closed so no one can go in, even those who walk on four feet.

    We may have found someone to watch Jackie while I am gone.  That problem may be solved, but another one is arising.  The Covid rate in Switzerland is rising and today the CDC put a travel advisory against going there.  Julia said the Swiss government may impose some restrictions on travel, as several EU nations have done.

    The whole travel situation may be out of my hands.

    One thing about the floors that has been a benefit.  I have been getting up and showered at 7.  I hope to continue that, except at 7:30.  Jackie usually sleeps a little longer, so I have time to read the paper and play on Facebook before I get really busy.

    And tonight it seems to be raining a little.  Not a lot, but the driveways are wet.  We could use it.

    That's it for me today.

Peace and Love

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