Sunday, August 29, 2021

the end is here

We had our last performance today 

    It's always bittersweet when  a show ends.

    I have spent the last 6 weeks with these people, talking, laughing, interacting, and working as a team.  Now, it is done.  The show is over and we all go our separate ways.

    That's the bitter.

    The sweet is  evenings are now mine again.  I won't be getting to bed at midnight, struggling with my lines, rereading my script or worrying about missing cues.  (Which I did today.)

    We had over 420 people at the 7 shows.  That was great.

    I saw former students, including Kylene and her mom Tina who came out from Chicago to watch today, freinds, family, former co-workers, and a bunch of people I had never met before.

    I am tired.  Mentally and physically.

    And so, I face the final curtain.....for now.  What does the future hold?

Peace and Love

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