Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Oh my...busy, busy, busy

I seem to have quite the active life 

    Today I took my car in for some routine maintenance.  While in Rockford I also went to 2 groccery stores, an office supply place, and a home products place.  And I also got a coffee.

    Why 2 stores?  Well, Schnucks still has Illinois peaches and there are Schucks in Rockford.  I stopped at the one on East State and was really impressed.  It reminded me very much of the Manor in Switzerland.  Clean, wide aisles, and different departments so it felt like you were going to different bakery, deli, butcher.  

    I also stopped at Woodman's for 2 items:  string cheese and Dean's cottage cheese.

    We have bought Dean's there for years, but today, not a Dean's in sight.  Jackie prefers that to other cottage cheeses and it just seemed odd they would not have any.

    At the home supply place, I went specifically for a corn shucking device.  We have one, but we would like a couple of more.  I asked where they might be and after an on line search, was told that store did not stock them so they were available only on line.  But the shipping cost for a $6 item is outrageous.  They did not offer to order it to the store and I did not ask.

    Picked up a plastic mat for the chair by the computer desk.  Someday our floors will come and we will be ready.

    Tonight I had rehearsal....which means for most of the day I was not home.  Jackie had excellent care though, so I did not have to worry.

    When I was at the Honda place, the salesman that sold me the car saw me and said. "Hi, Terry."  I said, "Hello Mike."  I was impressed that he remembered my name.

    After I left, I thought about it.  I made the service appointment a week ago.  When they brought the car's history up, maybe they told Mike I would be in on Aug. 11 at 1:30.  

    That's the cynic in me.  I should be thinking I have such a sparkling personality no one can forget me!

    And then friend Bobbi texted me tonight that she was at the Boone County Fair  and got to talking to my friend Mark from Brookfield Zoo!  I have not seen Mark for maybe 3 years, but he is one of my favorite zoo people.  Alas, he is no longer with the zoo...which is a shame because he was so good at his job.

    Tonight hopefully I hit post.....and get a good night's sleep.

Peace and Love

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