Friday, August 27, 2021

late nights

I got an unpleasant surprise tonight 

    No, it was not my Elvis belt falling off during the show, although that was a surprise since it has been adjusted several times to eliminate that.

    No, it was not my Elvis wig that suddenly looked like a dead wombat on the top of my head.  That has never happened before.  At some time between my putting it on and going on stage, the hair net that holds the pompador in place came off and the hair went everywhere.  I did not know this until I looked at my shadow on the back wall and saw a huge mess coming out or off my head.

    No, it wasn't my missed entrance.  Yes, I was in place.  Yes, I was watching carefully.  But the air conditioning fan turned on and I thought it was raining.  I was happily listening to the rain backstage as 4 people waited for me on stage.  Maude, sprawled across the back of the couch, looked and me and started waving for me to come on, snapping me out of my trance.

    At intermission  I started getting hungry.  I talked myself into stopping at the Golden Arches for a burger and fries.

    After the show, I really was thinking of that burger.  And fries.

    I even took the long way home to stop and get one.

    My surprise?  At 10:30 on a Friday night McDonald's was closed.  No drive thru, no lights on either inside or outside.  Closed.  10:30.  

    So, I got home and did the next best thing.  I made a banana shake and ate a Kind bar.

    Well, not the next best, but at least I am no longer hungry.

    Just tired. And dreaming of a burger and fries.

Peace and Love

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