Tuesday, August 17, 2021

a day late

and a few dollars short...for now 

    Rehearsal ran a little long tonight, so my Tuesday blog is now a Wednesday entry.  Go figure.

    We had a pretty active day today.

    Corki had an appointment at the groomers...pictures tomorrow.  Because of that appointment, I washed all her dog  beds so everything was nice and clean.

    Her groomer is south of us, and about 20 minutes from Amboy.  If you don't live in this area, I will explain.

    Amboy is a little town, population around 2,500.  Samuel Carson opened a dry goods store there in 1854.  That is important.  Why?  He was the Carson in Carson, Pierre Scott & Co.

    Amboy has a festival, Depot Days.  There are no longer railroad tracks into town, but the old Depot has been made into a fine museum.

    Years ago the Depot Days car show committee decided to have a 50/50 raffle with the museum being the benefactor of half the pot. 

    Well, the first drawing didn't net a lot of money.  I think it was something like $1,200 or so  By 2001 the prize was almost $9,000.  In 2017 the winner got over $130,000!

    Over the years lots of projects were funded with the money.....library, parks, schools, the museum, and a whole lot more.

    Jackie went along and waited in the car while I plopped down money for tickets.  I also got some for friend Linda and yes, I used her name and phone number on all her tickets.

   I  bought the tickets at city hall, having a nice conversation with the lady there, then took them over to the grocery store and put them in the big bin....which had a lot of tickets already.

    Then I stopped at Casey's and bought an Italian wrap, bag of chips and some drinks and we had a picnic in the car.

    Finally we stopped and got Corki, who looks beautiful!

    That's my day.  If Dirty Harry asked me if I was feeling lucky today, I would say yes.  Because even if I don't win a dime, I feel good just buying the tickets.

Peace and Love

My tomatoes are coming in all sizes and shapes!

Love the colors

Not a great picture....but the butterfly was pretty

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