Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Well....look at me

 I actually used digital coupons today

    For a techno idiot, that is a pretty big step.  I downloaded them, went into the store, and used them when I checked out.

    I even redeemed some savings I had built up.

    But technology still baffles me.  I don't understand so much of it.

    Like, how do wireless printers work?  I have a wireless printer and it is in another room but prints off what I want.  

    Hand held calculators.  They are so small, but so fast. How?

    And cell phones.  They can calculate, measure, send messages, take pictures, play games, give directions.......and you can use them to call people!  How in the hell does someone figure out how to engineer all that stuff?

    I know, I don't have to understand it, just learn how to use it.  

    And to be honest, it is not just electronics.  I saw a huge wheeled machine on a semi truck trailer.   There were gears and treads and bolts and springs and all bunches of stuff.  Who and how did they figure out what needed to be done to make that machine, which does something important.  I guess.

    The world is filled with amazing items that humans have invented.  I don't know how they did it, or what inspired them to create.  

    I am just thankful they had the imagination and the skills to make our lives easier.

    Happy September....almost feels fall like out there tonight.

Peace and Love

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