Tuesday, June 1, 2021

day......seems like forever.....451

 I started this blog in 2014

    I know!  I have continued to do something regularly for the past 6 plus years!  For me, that is amazing.  I can't even do something regular for 24 hours.

    Lately it's becoming harder and harder to be funny.  Maybe it is our world, but holy crap it is crazy out there!

    We've got one guy who lost an election who is telling people he will be installed in his former office by August.

    We got another guy saying maybe the regime in Myanmar is on the right track by having a coop.  Or is it coup?  It should be coup, but anyone suggesting one belongs in with the hens aned pigeons.

    People calling 911 because of cicadas.  Really?  The noise scares you?

    Some politicians are saying the rioters on Jan. 6 were just normal tourists.  I went to the Capitol once and took a tour and did not break any windows or assault police officers while threatening to hang the vice president.  Little did I know.

    Some idiot in Nashville is selling yellow six pointed stars, the same design Nazis forced Jews to wear in Germany during WW II, as a protest against masks.

    Like I said, it's a crazy world out there.

    We had pizza tonight, which is not normal for a Tuesday.  But Emily is on the road and we invited John over for supper, and pizza seemed the best choice.  Especially since I worked my copious butt off today.

    Jackie ordered.  I picked up.  Standing in the restaruant I see a sign that says, "BOGO Tuesday.  Buy one pizza, get one of the same size free."  I ask the waitress/bartender/phone answerer/and who knows what if we got a free one with our order.  She said no, we had to ask for it.

    How the hell do we ask for an offer that is on a board in the pizza place?  

    I wish I had asked before I tipped her.

    Stay healthy.  Stay happy.  Ask for discounts.

Peace and Love

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