Tuesday, June 22, 2021


 There are plenty of job openings in Rochelle

    I get at least 6 e-mails daily telling me about exciting job openings in Rochelle.

    Just yesterday, I was notified there was an opening for a park ranger and the salary was $58,216 right here in Rochelle!

    Amazing!  These folks knew that I, at the ripe old age of seventy    (fill in the word Jackie does not like me to use in describing my age; a word that is used as a noun, verb and adjective)   three years would be interested in a park ranger job in Rochelle!

     I should apply immediately.  However, I am having a bit of a mental issue on where a park would be in Rochelle where they would be hiring a ranger.  But hey, details, eh?

    Same with the welding and executive positions that are open in Rochelle.  Just ripe for a guy my age.

    About the number 217,446.....that is the number of page views this blog has had over the past 87 years  I am impressed that people are able to put up with the trivialities of my life.

    I did check stats today and admit I am puzzled.  Someone read two entries from my blog.......one in July....one in September.....of 2016.  I don't know if it was the same person, or why they picked those particular dates. 

    Maybe they did a Google search for the word Yikes.

    Who knows.

    Stay curious.  Stay healthy.

Peace and Love.

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