Monday, June 21, 2021

day...third time.....471

 I planted my garden....again

    I have never had to plant twice before this year....and this is the third time I have planted cucumbers and beans.  They just didn't come up.  It may have been my lackadaisical watering process......especially in this dry spring.

    So, pulled up the 6 or 7 bean plants and replanted them, trimmed up the tomatoes and green peppers and tried to get them more upright, leveled my non productive cucumber hill and made a new hill.  This time I will water regularly.

    All of this did take a toll on my altready sore body, so hoping the ice and ibuprofin help.

    My neighbor has a pool and has invited me over to use it, but I am not a big pool person.  We have friends who have invited me for 20 years and I have been in theirs maybe 4 fimes.

    There is one pool I for sure won't go in, at any cost.

    They have built a glass pool in London.  It spans two 10 story buildings.  You can swim from one building to the next, all while 10 stories above a London street.  You can look down at the traffic below....way below.

    I put this on my no way in hell bucket list.  It is there along with skywalks over canyons, leaping out of airplaines, rooting for the Cardinals, and sticking sharp sticks under my nails.

    Not only that, I will go so far as to say I would not even stand underneath this pool.

    I know it has been meticulously engineered, but I have this feeling that every bridge I have been on is just waiting for me so it can collapse, every elevator is due to fall, every tall building is going to topple over just because I am there.  All I have to do is look up and 70 million gallons of water, glass and screaming humans will plummet down and bury me in the London pavement.

    Yes, it is an unnatural fear.  But I am full of unnatural thoughts.  For instance, I think my odds of winning the lottery with one ticket are greater when the jackpot his $300 million.  Crazy, I know!  But I keep buying tickets....and never winning, as you probably know.

    I just hope my luck is better with my garden.  I really don't have many fears there.  Except failure.  And snakes.  And millipedes.  And deadly spiders. And airplanes crashing into Earth where I am weeding.  And meteorites.

    But, that's enough fears for one night.

    Stay healhy.  Stay safe.  Avoid glass pools.

Peace and Love

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