Saturday, June 26, 2021

day......rain? no rain?....476

 Today was supposed to be a rain all day event

    All day.  Forecast was 60, 70 percent, heavy rain at times.  We were supposed to expect 3 inches.

    Pshaw!  It stopped sprinkling about 11.  It was cloudy and overcast until about 4, then the sun came out.  We ended up getting a little over half an inch of rain.

    Weather forecasting has to be the best job in the world.  So many times they get it wrong!  Major snowstorm....dusting.  Heavy rainfall....drizzle.   Yet we always check the forecast, heaven knows why.

    I went to the farmers market at 10:15 for a couple of briskit sandwiches for supper.  He sold out just as I got there, but he did have two set aside for me.  He said he cut back on what he prepared because of the forecast and here he was, 10:30 and out of his most popular sandwich.

    But the market was going full steam.  It was great to see all the people and vendors there.  I did not have time to browse, because I had an 11 o'clock zoom meeting.  It was an all volunteer meeting....or a zoo zoom, as I called it.

    BIL Bob and wife Anita called and we had a nice talk about the Cubs, and all sorts of other stuff.

    Afterwards I went out on to the porch to take a nap....but in the two hours I was out there, I never fell asleep.  Dog in.  Dog out. Neighbor mowing. Emily dropping off strawberries and a cherry pie.  Bathroom run.  Drink run.  Bathroom run.  

    My leg hurts a little more today but tomorrow I intend to mow.....I have to, with the rain and heat grass is starting to grow again.

    Now if the Cubs could only get some timely hitting....I could go to bed a happier person.

    Stay safe.

Peace and Love

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