Sunday, June 20, 2021

day......very cool.....470

I got a grotesque present for Fathers' Day 

    Actually, a grotesque donation from Emily and Julia.  It was a donation to the Friends of Notre-Dame de Paris to help restore the stone statues on top of the burned cathedral.

    The statues are called grotesques, hence the grotesque gift.

    I am so glad I was able to see Notre Dame in its glory.  I don't know what the restoration schedule is, but I doubt it will be a place I will be able to visit again.  I was literally in tears watching the fire consume this magnifcent structure.

    A great gift, helping a great cause and making my whole family a small part of the restoration and rebirth of Notre-Dame.

    I am still taking it pretty easy.  My leg and butt cheek are still sore, bending over hurts, so I figure to go easy for a few more days.

    But my list of things to do keeps getting longer as I look around.  Who would think someone like me would become an obessive list adder on person?

    At least the rain is here.

    A nice, gentle, soft rain....ok, the weather alarm has gone off four times in the past hour for tornado warnings (far north of us)  2 thunderstorm warnings, (south and west of us) and a severe thunderstorm watch (us) so I am in my usual semi panic weather mode.

    At least I won't have to water the garden, or what will be left of it after the golf ball sized hail and 60 mph winds roar through the area.

    Feast or famine.

    At least the Cubs won.

    Hope you all had a great day, dad or not.

Peace and Love

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