Tuesday, June 29, 2021

day.....boyhood story.....479

 I just thought of something that happened 55 years ago

    My memory may be a little hazy, but this is how I think everything happened.

    We were all hormone affected teen age boys.  Riding around in a car one night, looking for girls, we saw three rather attractive though slutty looking girls in a laundromat.

    So, we pulled the car into the alley and three of us got out to chat up the chicks.

    They seemed friendly.  We talked, we laughed, and then it went downhill.

    I beliieve it was Marc.  Maybe not, but I am going to say it was him.

    We had passed through the doorway where the girls were standing.  

    Marc said, "So....do you girls have boyfriends or do you live off yourselves?"

    To this day, I do not know what he meant.  Did he think they were lesbians, which back in the mid 60s would have been rare.  Or did he mean they had to spend their own money on movies, food, flowers, etc.

    Whatever he meant, one girl did not take it well.

    She reached into her purse or pocket, I don't remember, and pulled out the biggest knife I had ever seen!

    "Do you want to repeat that?" she snarled, waving it inches from our bellies.

    Upon seeing the knife, we slowly edged our way back through the door,  apologizing profusely before walking very quickly to the waiting car.

    From then on, we avoided girls in laundromats.

Peace and Love

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