Thursday, June 3, 2021

day......when it rains......453

 Ever notice how everything happens at once?

    It was that kind of day for me.

    I had just gotten out of the shower when I looked out the back window and saw my rock on the back of a truck.

    Not wanting to go out au natural, I hurridly put on clothes and went out back.  (Truth be told I would love to go out au natural...I am not the problem).

    Landscape guy is about my height but weighs 85 pounds.  By the time I got out there he had wrestled this big ass rock out of the back of the truck.  In an understated voice he said, "That's a big rock."

    I asked him why he didn't bring some of his younger guys to help and he said they were pretty busy shoveling dirt, which was also hard work.

    The rock landed in the general area of where I wanted it, which is fine for me.  There is no way it will ever be moved unless someone gets a backhoe.

    I helped Jackie get ready for the day, w ate breakfast  and by then it was almost noon.  I had to make lunch, fill my pills, do the dishes and change to go ride my bike.  We have help from 1 to 4 on Thursdays and Fridays, so I like to get out at 1 to maximize my me time.

    But an insurance man called at 12, I called him back, he called me back at .... you guessed it, 1 on the dot.  15 minutes later I had my helmet and gloves on and my brother called.  We had a nice conversation but by the time we finished I had forgotten where I put my sunglasses.

    I did get in a ride.  Pedaled through my neighborhood then some subdivisions to the east and ended up with 10.3 miles for the day.

    After supper I went out and planted the rest of my prairie garden, which went rather quickly since  it is all done randomly.  I hope it looks great that way.

    I discovered Sheri K was right in I had too many coneflowers and black eyed susans.  I was blinded by my love for the plants.  But they are in the ground now, so nature will take it's course.

    All in all it was a pretty busy day.  I am tired, but not sore...that will come tomorrow.

    Stay healthy.  Stop and smell the flowers.

Peace and Love

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