Sunday, June 13, 2021


I think the Temptations sang, "Oh I wish  that it would rain" 

    I am inclined to agree with them.  Story I often tell.  Eighth Grade, maybe Seventh (and I don't know why I capitalized them, and why I did not change it) I went home for lunch.  When I walked the 18 miles uphill back to Ravenswood Elementary, it was in a pounding rainstorm.  

    Well, it was raining.  Maybe not pounding.  Maybe lightly. 

    I crossed Ashland Avenue and the rain stopped.

    That amazed me.

    I got back to schol and breathlessly blurted, "Mr. was raining on one side of Ashland but not the other!"

    He paused, and with the patience of a great teacher, said, "Well, rain has to start and stop someplace or else it would be raining everywhere at once. Right?"

    I had never thought about that.  But now I do.

    A couple of nights ago in poured in DeKalb.  It rained in Steward.  Dan and Linda had a nice shower in Creston, it rained in Lindenwood and I believe Rockford.

    We did not get a drop.  

    The rain circled around us, leaving us arid, barren, parched, dry, Saharan.  My lawn is turning yellow.  My plants' leaves are starting to curl.  Trees are dropping leaves.  It is starting to concern me.

    I am temped to go do a rain dance and burn a goat as a sacrifice to Mother Nature in a bid to get some moisture.  Please....don't panic.  It will be a paper goat, not a real one. 

    The forecast for the week gives us a 40 percent chance late Thursday night.  That's not a good percentage for people who need rain.

    Tomorrow at 4, I will do my  dance for rain and burn a paper goat.  I know it won't help, but it can't hurt either.  Can it?

    The Temptations wanted rain drops to hide the tears......I want drops to prevent tears.

    Stay healthy.  Stay happy. Pray for rain.

Peace and Love

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