Wednesday, June 9, 2021

day...Mary, Mary......459

 My garden is not doing very well

    My cucumbers have been planted for two weeks, but no sprouts.  Same with my green beans.  The Italian beans are spotty and the peas, well, we won't have a lot of peas this year.

    I planted peas early because they do not like hot weather.  But all the others should be doing fine by now.

    So I replanted the cucumbers and the green beans after I weeded tonight.  I confess, I have not been as diligent watering this year as I have been in the past.  I will do better.

    I had some spike waterers  you put into the ground and they made a nice little circle with a gentle rain.  But the bases broke off, and they won't go into the ground.  I bought a tripod rotating sprinkler, but it does not do the same job.  So I am ordering a new stick in the ground sprinkler with a "lifetime" guarantee.  We shall see.

    I just met an ungrateful toad.  Toads don't drink.  They get moisture through their skin.  

    When I went to take out recycling, I found a huge toad by my garage door.  I took some water and gently watered it.  It seemed to enjoy the water.  When I went to pick it up to relocate it to a garden area, it jumped out of my hands and hopped under the tractor. 

    I was too tired to start the tractor and pull it out, plus I was afraid I would run it over.  I just hope I don't find a dead toad in my garage like I did a few weeks ago.

    It's hot.  It's dry.  I'm hot.  I'm dry.  I got up,  showered, then ate breakfast and went out to finish mowing.  I should not have showered in the morning.  When I came in from mowing and trimming I was soaking wet.  Since I had a meeting to go to tonight, I showered again.  Poor planning.

    In case you are wondering about Mary, Mary...quite contrary, how does your garden grow was on my mind tonight

    Stay healthy.  Stay safe.

Peace and Love

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