Saturday, June 5, 2021

day....takes a village....355

 Sometimes I do need a little help

    Emily helped take care of Jackie today so I could be at the market in Creston. 

    Friend Linda and I had a booth, selling vintage items and memorabilia.  I took over about 25 items and sold 10 or 11.  

    The market ran from 9 to 2, so I got Jackie up and dressed, we ate breakfast, and I told Emily I was leaving.  Emily checked on her, got Jackie lunch, and was on call for anything Jackie needed.

    Meanwhile, Linda, Dan and I sat outside in the 90 degree heat.  We did ok on sales, not great, but not terrible considering the heat, graduations, graduation parties, the heat, and the heat.

    Funny thing.  I mentioned the other day that I put sunscreen on and it burned my face.  Well, I read an article that said some sun screens  contained benzene, a cancer causing agent.  And yes, the stuff I was using had benzene.  I tried another product, and that was also on the has benzene list.  Now I wonder if it's the benzene that causes my burning!

    Dan bought brisket sandwiches for us for lunch.  I took one bite and then dropped it on the ground.  Being hungry and not proud, I scooped up the meat, put it back on the bread, and carefully ate it.  If benzene hasn't killed me, a little road tar won't.

    I did not eat the bun however.....just seemed that may have hidden gravel in it.  At least I could inspect the meat.

    Had a good dinner tonight.  I was ordering on the house phone when my cell phone rang.  Not recgnizing the number, I hit the don't answer button....or at least I thought I did.  One voice is talking to me on my cell phone, another on the house phone, Jackie is saying something and I was really getting too much noise.  I hung up the cell phone again and continued to place the order.  Cell phone rang again, same number, and I again did not answer.

    When I was done I noticed a voice mail.  It was my nephew Jason calling from Lititz PA!  So I called him and we had a nice talk.  He got the pictures I sent and told me some of them he did not remember happening.  He also asked what I ordered besides tacos and enchilladas.

    Good sale, good supper, good conversation....only negative on the day was the Cubs falling to San Francisco.  Again.

    Stay safe.  

Peace and Love

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