Friday, June 4, 2021


 I almost bit off more than I could chew today

    I decided to ride around the neighborhood.  I have a route that goes around our subdivision two times, then south through four more subdivisions.  The total mileage is about 10.

    Today it seemed 110.  I was fine until mile 8, but the heat, wind and sun just got to me.  When I got home I learned it was 91 outside, way to hot for an old fart to be pedaling his ass around rural subdivisions.

    I drove into town, got some cool drinks for Jackie and me, then just sat and rested.

    It's now about 7, early for me to write....but I am going out to the prairie plot to lay down some cardboard and mulch.   I am watering for 30 minutes first so the plants have some moisture before I spread mulch.

    At least it is a little cooler now....only 84.  And the sun isn't quite as strong.

    Here's what it all looks like today.

I guess this isn't today... pretty  sunny today!

That is a big rock!

There's big money to be found in a garbage can!

Suprised Frosty didn't melt today.....but they were backing up the truck for him.

    By the should be impressed I did not bring my garbage finds home!  Of course, it is still early.

    Stay healty.  Laugh a lot, or a little, just laugh.

Peace and Love

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