Thursday, June 17, 2021

day....travels and travails.....467

 Everything is going so well and then........

    A snag develops.

    Yesterday I talked about my Michigan memory, brought on by the cooing of a dove and the sound of children laughing.

    I have a newish chair on the porch.  It's a recliner, and I love to recline for a few minutes to relax.

    The other day I had my eyes half shut and when I looked out, instead of seeing my neighbors' houses across the street, their rooftops became mountains.  The road in front of the house became a lake and for a few minutes I was sitting on Julia's balcony, having a coffee and enjoying the view.

    I can't describe the beauty of Switzerland.  I don't have the words.  I do know that I will always have good memories of sitting at Charlie's (a bistro) by the lake and having some wine, or eating ice cream or a jambon frommage avec beurre on a bench by the water.

    I close my eyes and life becomes so much quieter, safer, prettier.  Too bad it can't last forever except in my little brain.

    Last night I went to help Jackie out of her chair and something popped in my left leg.  I have never pulled a hamstring, but I think that is what I did.  It was sore as hell.  I iced it for about an hour, then went to bed with my leg elevated.  Today I used some heat on it.

    While the leg is still plenty sore, what is worse is my butt!  My lleft cheek feels like someone smacked it with a fist.  It is uncomfortable to sit and uncomfortable to stand, so I really am having a restless day.

    The good news is I am royalty!

    I got my crown today.  I'm a king.  All curtsy and maintain that curtsy while backing gracefully out  of the room.

Peace and Love

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