Monday, June 7, 2021


 I have finished the prairie garden

    Everything is planted, cardboard is down, mulch is down, and my left hip hurts like hell.  Related?  I don't know.

    I can tell one of the new plants is having a tough go.  I was hoping a good rain would revive it, but we did not get a good rain.  I did run the sprinkler on the plot last night, but a good rain shower is always better.

    I have a box of pictures I don't know what to do with.  When I taught I took a lot of photos of kids doing projects, at Halloween, and at a lot of other times during the year.  Most of the pictures ended up in albums.  Most of the albums have been "harvested" for former students I can still find.

    But it has been 12 years.  I need to get rid of the pictures.  I actually put one album in the trash  for about 15 seconds, then took it out again.  I don't know why it is so hard to part with them.

    Also in the closet and in a desk drawer were several cell phones, including a Samsung flip phone, 2 I phones, 6 camera disks, two rechargable batteries for a camera I no longer have, and one thumb drive.  I found a website for selling some of the we shall see!  I will have to find a card reader to check the photo disks. I may be surprised.

    And now, a TMI section.  Jackie has to wear compression socks.  My brother gave me a device that helps, but normal people putting on compression socks have an easier time than someone who can't move their legs very well, or at all. 

    So every morning I spend about 15 minutes swearing and moaning because my thumbs don't work, the socks are hard to grasp, I can't find the heel...among other problems.  

    Certainly gets my day off to a rocky start.

    And speaking of rocky starts......a few weeks ago I mentioned the out of date margarine I tossed.  Tonight I went to get some butter.  We are out.  No butter.  No margarine.  Hardly any milk.   And I went to the store today.

    A list is only helpful if you write things down on it.

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.

Peace and Love

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