Wednesday, June 30, 2021

day....boy hood story II.....480

 Yesterday's stroll down memory lane got me thinking

    My brother Dennis might have been described as a heller.  He wasn't bad, but sometimes found himself on the wrong side of right.

    He eventually straightened out, mostly.  He died in the mid 90s when he was just over 50.  Heart attack.  It was a shock.

    But like I said, he was a bit of a heller.

    I don't remember why, but one night he took me with him.  He and a guy named Rebel were going out, and I joined them, along with two other teens.  I bet I was 12....certainly not much older.

    Rebel was a street racer.  He would drag race for money and he was looking for a race.  We drove around for a while but did not find any challengers.

    At some point Rebel had to go to the bathroom.  So he pulled his souped up white Ford into an alley, go out, took a leak, and got back in the car.

    We began the drive down the alley and suddenly police cars blocked the exit!  Two squads rolled  down the alley behind us.  Police were all over the place, shining spot lights on us.

    The told Rebel to exit the car and patted him down, along with my brother, but not the guys in the back seat.  At least I don't remember them getting a pat down.

    He had to open the trunk, and everyone except me was made to get out of the car.

    All the while the police gave no explanation.  After going over the car and checking the trunk, they asked Rebel why he had stopped in the alley.  Rebel said, "The kid in the back seat had to pee."

    Police shined their light on me and said, "Is that right, kid?"  

    Nodding my head like a crazed chicken, I said yes, I could not hold it any longer.

    The police kind of looked disgusted and told them all to get back into the car.

    Somebody asked why the big deal.....turns out the building we parked behind had been burglarized several times and police were running a stake out, until we ruined it.

    I remember Rebel saying, "We were only looking for a place for the kid to pee."

    One officer said, "You come around here again and you are going to find yourself in the shit house."

    Of course, then I really had to go!

    That was the only time I went with the big boys.  I don't know if I wasn't invited, or wasn't interested in going.

    Memories.....sometimes they pop up at the craziest times.

Peace and Love

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