Tuesday, June 8, 2021


 Things don't just disappear after all

    About 2 months ago I lost my flashlight.  This is a big, bulky, size of a half a loaf of bread flashlight.

    I looked in the garage, under the bed, in the closet (even checked my shoes), in the basement, in the cars......everywhere I could think  of and didn't find it.  I looked several times, always unsuccessfully.

    Our cleaner found it behind the cable box.  She said it had been there for a while, but we haven't been home when she is here so she never asked about it.

    I remember having to unplug our cable box and plug it back in to reset it.  I must have used the flashlight to see, and just forgot where it was.

    I had thought aliens took it.  Or gremlins.  Turns out, it never left the house.

    Some pictures from the past few days....

    Pale purple coneflower...last year's planting

        The prairie smoke....it looks like smoke from a distance

    Ever hear of a hands pan?  At the market in Creston.  A really neat sound.  I do have a video.

    We have a new resident.  This creature is living under the air conditioner.  This morning it was on the deck.  This afternoon it was exploring the porch.  This explains why Corki has been doing so much sniffing lately.  (That's a lot of this!)

    I believe this is mountain mint.....it is a beautiful, spreading plant and it is loaded with bumble bees!  I have not weeded this area for a while.

    That's it.

    Stay safe.  Pray for rain.

Love and Peace

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