Thursday, June 10, 2021


 This hot weather has made me thankful

    I heard it was 97 in Rockford today, I was in DeKalb and the car thermometer registered 93.  I was going to say it said, but it can not talk.  So there.

    I thought of things I was thankful for.  Here are 10 things, not necessarily in any order of importance.

    Swimming pools.......not that I have one.  Or use one.  We have friends who stopped inviting me to swim in their pool because after 20 years of invites I have gone in four times.  Two of them were last summer.  And I invited myself.

    Deoderant.....once I slept with a French girl.  Seriously.  Jackie and I were on a train from Paris to Bayeaux.  We were not sitting together.  After a few minutes Jackie got up and said, "Change seats.  Don't ask."  So I sat next to a rather attractive French woman who apparently did not use deoderant.  It was hot.  She was sweaty.  About 15 minutes into the ride she fell asleep.  After about 25 minutes, I fell asleep.  So technically I slept with a French girl...or I guess more accurately along side her.

    Baby powder......used in proper amounts it prevents certain anatomical parts from sticking to other anatomical parts.

    Air conditioning.....use it.  Sure, I have to sleep with an extra blanket at night and keep a sweatshirt on at various times, but Jackie is comfortable.

    Lawn sprinklers.....nothing like moving a sprinkler and having it aim directly at your crotch and then having neighbors stare at your pants as you go get the mail.

    Electric start on would be nice to start the car while walking toward it to get the AC running, but I am the kind that would hit the button in the middle of the store and have my car run for 30 minutes while I shop.  Then I would run out of gas on the side of the road and have to walk 6 miles to a gas station in 97 (or 93) degree heat.

    Ice need to explain.

    Automatic ice cube makers on the refrigerator.....I seem to go through a lot of ice during the day.  Iced water, iced pop, iced tea......lots of ice.  

    Short hair......long hair gets uncomfortable when it is hot.  Short hair is much better.  Also, you don't have to comb it as much, dry it as long, or worry about people saying your hair has gone from blond to almost white.  Yes it has, because I am seventy-freaking-three years old!  (I used freaking because Jackie gets mad when I don't.)

    Last....I think this is 10.

    No explanation needed.

    By the way....anybody see a bug in this?  I didn't either.  But next time I will look before drinking.

    Stay cool.

Peace and Love

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