Saturday, June 12, 2021

day.....what have i done......462

I think I may have a problem 

    Three days in a row I have been in DeKalb.  Three days in a row I have had a Starbucks.  I think I may have a problem.

    I love the iced vanilla latte.  Maybe too much.  I ordered a half caf today, but it was already 6 and I know a half caf is going to keep me awake most of the night.  (That means it is half decaffeinated coffee and half regular coffee.  JSYK)  (BTW....JSYK is my shorthand for just so you know.)

    What was I thinking?

    I alwso went out in public wearing shorts and black socks today.  I wandered around the Rotary festival at the park for a while, and the fashion police did not stop me.  Granted, I was sweating heavily, but people just ignored my faux pas.  Or paw.  Or paux.  Whatever.

    What was I thinking?

    I didn't feel like doing last night's supper dishes.  This morning I just stacked breakfast dishes on the counter.  Ditto for lunch dishes.  Tonight I looked at the kitchen and thought....what the hell!

    What was I thinking?

    I put in laundry this morning.  Just finished folding it.  Tonight.  Two loads.  Sheets  and towels.  Had to dry the towels again because they felt damp.  Should have taken care of all that this morning instead of going out in public in my black socks and shorts and being laughed at by everyone under the age of 40 while those of us in the black socks-white gym shoe stage of life don't really care because we like comfort over style.

    What was I thinking.

    And to that point, I think the caffeine is affecting my concentration.

    Stay safe.  Stay cool.

Peace a d Love

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