Sunday, June 27, 2021


 I need to wear my hearing aids more

    I admit, I have gotten lazy about wearing them.  Usually that isn't a problem.

    Last night Jackie was watching tv and asked me for a "piece of cheese, like last night."

    So I cut her a piece of cheese.  I gave it to her and she looked at it and said, "What's this?"  I said it is the cheese you asked for.

    She said, "I asked for tea like you got me last night."

    Tonight she said, during the Cubs game, "The announcers said the Cubs have a bad defense in the outfield."

    I said I was surprsed they would say that, that the defense wasn't terrible.  She looked at me and said, "They said the sun made it hard to play defense in the outfield."

    In my defense, I mowed and trimmed today and can't wear my hearing aids because it would blast the hell out of what's left of my brain.

    I put my windmill out.  I anchored it best I could, hope it stays.  I may have miscalculated ..... some of the plants are taller than the windmill.  And my rock from last year is virtually invisible, as is the log I salvaged from a tornado downed tree.

    While my nativegarden thrives, my veggies continue to look awful.

    I know there is a time for every season, and I guess mine is not now.

    Stay healthy.  Stay safe.

Peace and Love

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