Friday, June 11, 2021

day.....give me a head with hair........461

 I have a tendency to let my hair grow

    Let me restate that correctly.  I can't prevent my hair from growing.  It grows.  My ear hair and nose hair also grow, just not as fast or long as the hair on top of my head.

    I just don't remember to get it cut.  

    I do trim my nose and ears, not hat you really want to know that.  I hate seeing men with huge hairs sticking out of their nose or ears.....yuchhhh!  I can't seem to control my belly from growing either.

    So when I looked in the mirror this week I was a little surprised to see it was pretty long, so I got it cut.

    One thing I noticed is how big my forehead has gotten!  Holy cow!!  And my hair is pretty white on the temples.  Plus, I have some red spots....I have had them for years, but without hair hanging over them they are more noticeable.

    I also look like I don't have teeth, but I reallly do!

    Corki had a vet appointment today for routine shots and a check up.  She weighs 22 pounds and is in good health for a 10 year old dog.  We  stopped at Starbucks on the way home and she got a Puppychino while I got an iced vanilla latte. 
    As I drove home the sky looked terrible and I figured we were in for a storm.  But now, four hours later, no rain, few clouds, dry lawn, withering plants.

    Mother Nature can be so fickle.

    Hope you have a great weekend.

    Stay healthy.  Stay happy.   Stay cool.

Peace and love

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