Friday, June 18, 2021


My butt cheek hurts 

    I know!!! TMI!!!

    Butt, it hurts.   Huh.  But it hurts.  Same sounds, different meanings.

    My leg hurts also.  Better than yesterday, but sitting is difficult and uncomfortable.

    I bought more spray for my windmill.  I told Mike at the hardware store that I had bought spray prviously, but can't find it.  He asked me if it was last year and I said no, last month.

    I went in the house and told Jackie I bought more spray.  Then I went out to spray the windmill and.....I can't find the new spray!!!  Holy crap!  Does this stuff just walk off?

    I put on my thinking cap and tried to remember where I had put it 5 minutes ago and had no clue.

    So....back out looking in the garage and bingo, there is was.  Right next to the windmill.

    I made my first mojito of the summer tonight.  I know, but if I open a bottle of wine I have to drink it.  I can make one mojito.

    I use a recipe that calls for lime juice or lemon juice.  Emily and John bought me some run and also some lime juice last year in Key West.  

    For some reason, I took out the little plastic bottle of lime juice we have in the fridge, thinking I should use that.  I poured a little out and it did not look right.  So I turned it over and found the expiration date.

    July 2011.

    We moved it from Skare Court, to the townhouse, to here.  In another week or two it would celebrate it's 10th birthday.

    I really need to pay more attention to use by and expiration dates.

    I used Emily and John's lime juice and enjoyed my mojito on the back deck.     Turned out pretty darn good.

Peace an Love

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