Saturday, June 19, 2021


 I love to eat

    For the past few weeks I have had a hankering for a deep dish pizza.  Tonight I ordered one, but instead of deep dish, I ordered stuffed.

    I ordered the special.  My fault.

    I did not read all the ingredients.  I saw mushrooms, green pepper, onions, sausage, pepperoni......but I missed olives.

    Now, I am not an olive lover.  Quite the opposite.

    I picked up the pizza, took it home, opened it.  I had to wipe my chin because I was drooling so much.  Took a bite and ..... olives.

    Lots of that I mean more than one.  Green olives to boot.

    Luckily I ordered a small, but I still have two meals left of it.  I will eat it, but the olives will take a bit of getting used to.  Understand, the pizza is very good.  And it was my mistake.  I always used to tell students read al lthe information.....I need to get back to doing that.

    Next time I eat it, I may have to have a mojito to ease the pain.

    I did sit out on the patio tonight, sans alcohol, and enjoyed the longest day of the year.  I also had a pity party on my failed garden and my sore butt.  Day three of not being able to sit for long was not a pleasant day.

    At least my leg does not hurt as much.  That's a blessing.

    I gave up on the Cubs at 7-0.  It's not that I am a fair weather fan.....I just can't stand to watch them lose.  It's been a rough two days.

    Here's hoping your dinner met your dreams.

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.

    And a happy Father's Day to all you pops, here and gone, tomorrow.

Peace and Love

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