Monday, May 31, 2021

day....... oh be quiet.....450

I sometimes read Jackie's mind 

    I have a habit of becoming focused on little things in tv commercials.

    I know commercials are not movies, but they should be entertaining and informative.

    That's why I get bothered by some of them.

    There is one airing now where a family goes into the woods.  They lock their car and walk off.  But this model has sensors that detect inside movement when a car is locked.  As they walk away, the sensors go off and they return to see a raccoon or something in their car, eating snacks.

    Obviously this family is from the city because who else would park their car under trees in a forest and leave the sun roof open?  If not city people, they are idiots.

    Then there is the commercial where the girls are driving along and taking a selfie. Their ccar swerves into the next lane......luckily they have an anti swerve program and the car self corrects, avoiding disaster.

    What they should have shown are the mangled ruins of a car that does not have this feature and tell people who are too stupid to know that you should not be taking selfies and texting while driving.

    Any commercial with an emu in it causes me to retch.

    And the one without the emu with the guy selling wet teddy bears instead of hotdogs is geared to people with a limited exposure to the outside world.

    That's when I can read her mind.

    I worked out in the sun yesterday and put a spray sun block on my face.  It was left over from last year.  Does sun block go bad?  I put it on and my face began to burn like crazy.  Now it is all red and sore, like a sunburn.  And no, I did not immediately wash it off.  Talk about stupid people!

    It did not burn on my arms or hands, but my face is a little more sensitive.

    I guess I will have to break down and buy new stuff and toss the old......which is really hard for me to do.

    I hope you had a safe and healthy Memorial Day.

    Don't look now, but here comes June!

Peace and Love

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