Thursday, June 24, 2021


 We had a read through for the fall show today

    The show is set in a nursing home and I am one of the seniors.

    Can you believe that?  I have been cast in a show about old people!  Me!!  Why, if I wasn't 7------3 years old, I might take offense at that!

    What was I thinking?  I had enough trouble remembering lines when I was young.  Luckily I only have about 1,756 lines to memorize for this one.  

    I sometimes cheat on stage.

    I was in one show and could not remember my entrance line, so I wrote it in big letters and taped it on the back of the couch.

    In another show I had lines said while reading a magazine, so I taped the lines into the magazine.

    In another show I only had a few lines and was mainly in the background reading a book.  So I put the entire script in the book and just followed along.  Turns out, I am not the only actor who can't remember lines!

    I have taped them on tables, the backs of doors, places where only people on stage could see them.

    It wasn't for all lines, just it seems in every play there is one or two lines I just can not get.  I know the just does not come out and I need a little help.

    When we were doing a Tuna show, my line is/was  "I've had it up to my ass with this sorry excuse for a town and sombody's gonna pay."

    I had that line down cold all during rehearsal.  Opening night comes and I said, "I have had enough of this town....and I'm not taking it."  Followed by, "I've had it up to my neck and somebody will be sorry." and about 4 other variations, none involving the word ass or somebody paying.

    Unfortunately, there was no place to hide the correct line.

    We'd get to that part and TC would watch me, beads of sweat forming on my brow, eyes rolling up into my head, a nervous tick causing my entire body to shake like a lime J-ello mold at a Methodist pot luck....and he never knew what was going to come out of my mouth.

    I was so much younger then.

    We'll see how this one flies.

    Stay healthy.  Stay dry.

Peace and Love

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