Monday, June 28, 2021


 I had a terrible fright tonight, and it hurt

    Background.  I have a pain in my left butt cheek. It runs down my left leg to my knee.  I have had the pain for about 10 days, but in actuality it has been much longer.

    I never thought about it before.  Slight pain in my hip.  Leg cramp while driving.  When I was walking Corki on day she made a quick move in front of me and I had to sidestep to avoid stepping on her, and it hurt.

    When doing my exercises for my surgery, I always heard a "pop" noise when lifting my left leg.

    But 10 days ago, moving Jackie from her chair to the wheelchair, I tiwsted and the pain was tremendous.  

    So today I went to a chiropractor. (Not sure I spelled that correctly.)

    He said my hips have rotated slightly, causing my body to be out of alignment.  A few treatments should restore the balance.

    I did notice I felt better...the pain was not as bad as before.

    We had an Exit 99 meeting tonight and it was great to sit with TC, Beth, and Carrie and laugh like we used to 16 months ago.  We are planning our lineup for the July 23 show at Kennay's Distillery.  Tickets will go on sale through the VCCT website because this is a benefit for VCCT.

    After everyone left, I took out the garbage. I am getting there.  Don't worry.

    I like to step outside and listen to the night.  Sometimes I turn off the lights and stand in the driveway in the dark.

    Tonight I turned off the inside lights, stepped outside, stepped back inside and something huge landed on my head!  

    I swatted at it, knocking off my glasses and one hearing aid.  I also twisted my body, sending an excruciating pain through my buttocks and down my leg.  

    I picked up my glasses and hearing aid and discovered both were out.  Luckily, I found the second one in a watering can.  Thank heavens it was empty.

    I also found a little green tree frog!  It was on the floor by my glasses and when I went to pick it up it hopped onto the closed garage door and began climbing up!

    I surmise that the frog was hanging out unde the outdoor light, and when I stepped back it leaped onto my head.  I thougtht it was a bat or a huge wolf spider and panicked.

    I opened the overhead door and it fell off, then proceded to hop out of the garage and back to the driveway.

    In summation:  A small  frog caused me to smack myself in the head, knock out both hearing aids, cause pain in my butt and leg before scampering off to catch more bugs.

    Now I am sitting on an ice pack, hoping it helps.

    Watch out for those frogs.

Peace and Love

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