Sunday, June 6, 2021


 I imitated a famous character from literature today

    I guess I was tired.  Maybe from the heat, working around the house, whtever.  I slept until 10:15 today!

    I went to bed before midnight, which is usually about the time I go to bed when I get up at 8 a.m.  Today I Rip Van Winkled it, as I say.

    And the weird thing is,  I don't remember any dreams, or getting up in the middle of the night although I think I did.  Either that or the closet will really smell in a few days.

    Of course by the time I got up, got Jackie up and showered and dressed, it was just past noon.  My sister in law called and we talked for 40 minutes. At 1:15 we Skyped with Julia......and at about 2:30 we finally ate for the first time!

    Needless to say, I did not do anything today except water the garden,  And I am really tired tonight.

    My list of projects keeps growing, while my willingness to do them keeps shrinking.

    But tomorrow is a new day.....and if I get up early enough, I might even get some tasks checked off my list.

    Stay safe.  Get plenty of rest.

Peace and Love

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