Monday, June 14, 2021


 This has been a notable two days

    Yesterday we grilled out with Emily and John to celebrate their anniversary.

    We decided it was time for me to clean out the grill after flames began leaping out the side....huge flames.  The steak ended up well done and my salmon turned out to be smoked.....but both were very good.

    Emily made caprese salad, which I love.  I maded smashed potatoes.  Actually honey smashed potatoes.  Never made them before but they turned out pretty darn good.

        Of course, strawberries were dessert.  We had dessert cups and pound cake with fresh Michigan was soooooo good!

        The forecast is not calling for rain.  When I looked out the front door this morning I was surprised to see a dark cloud that didn't look normal.  I knew it was not rain.

        What I did not know was a chemical plant caught fire and exploded in Rockton, which is maybe 40 miles north of us.  The smoke from the fire was drifting southward and was over Rochelle and Creston during the day.

    It is fairly scary to see a chemical cloud hovering overhead. We have been told there is no danger....they said the same at Chernobyl and Three Mile Island.

    And for the first time in 3 weeks, my car is back in the garage.  Miracles will never cease.

    Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Don't inhale

Peace and Love

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