Wednesday, June 2, 2021 wide.....452

 I sometimes wonder about me and dentists

    Fear.  that is the best way I can describe it.

    I broke a tooth a few weeks ago eating frozen custard.  Don't ask how that happened.  I got a temporary filling until I could be fitted with a crown.  It was either that or some other procedure that left me silently retching.

    So today I went for the fitting.  There was a young woman working there, must have just started, and she was shadowing the hygenist and dentist.

    I told the girl that if she had never seen a grown man cry or bolt during the middle of a procedure, today was her chance to see both.

    She thought I was kidding.

    I did get numbed.  But as he was working, it became apparent I needed more numbing.

    Once they got me off the ceiling and back into the chair, more numbing was done.

    At one point I said, "I am sharting sho schweat." and little bubbles of moisture appeared on my forehead, but it turns out it was just spray from rinsing my mouth.

    Two hours later I had a temporary crown and impressions for a permanent one taken.

    So tonight I am a temporary king.  Love live the King!!

    And my mouth is very uncomfortable...guess I just got used to having part of a tooth missing.

    I did go to a store and wore a mask because my face was a little droopy.  I did not want people to think I was having a stroke.  Plus, the mask caught the drool.

    Live long and Prosper

Peace and Love

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