Thursday, July 1, 2021

I hate shopping

 Today was grocery day

    I try to buy locally as much as possible, but big grocery stores have so much more from which to choose.

    So I went to a big store today and spent a bit over $200.  I was shocked.

    I noticed some things that were strange.  Kraft Mac and Cheese was .99  each  or 4 for $4.  Tea was discounted with a coupon, but there were no coupons.  1 item was 3.29 or 2 for $5.  I got 2, whether I wanted 2 or not.

    I always laugh when prices are 79 or 89 cents.  Why not just round it to the nearest 10 and make it easier for people to mentally compute prices.  I know, there is a psychological element to making it end in a 9, somehow it seems cheaper.

    I usually get very tired toward the end and wish I could lie down in the frozen food case and cool off.  But I discovered that is frowned upon.

    This store is allowing reusable bags again, which is great.  Next time I go I will bring mine because I hate all hose bags.  

    The hardest part is putting all the stuff away.  I must have had 15 bags to carry in, then put away.  I was fatigued, to say the least.

    Driving up to Rockford, I had to pull over and get out of the car.  My left leg cramped up.  I got on 39 at 72, after the work zone, and pulled over on the entrance ramp. Stretching it really helps.  The same thing happened on the way home, and I had to pull over on 64 by 251.  

    I am going to a chiropractor to see if he can give me some relief from my hip pain, and he said the leg cramping is a  result of my hips being out of alingment. When he does a treatment it feels fine for a while, but eventually I am back in pain.

    Here's hoping he is right when he said it would be a couple of weeks, then I would be better.  

    Oh my gosh, this was a pretty run of the mill post.  Hope you stayed awake!

Peace and Love

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