Thursday, May 6, 2021


 I told Jackie that I want to move

    I want to live in a town or place where I can order Domino's pizza and have it delivered by driverless car.

    I think that is soooooooo awesome!!!   The ad shows the strange looking little car pulling up and the customer  taking the pizza out of the storage compartment.

    We don't have a Domino's in town, so no driverless delivery.  

    Of course I could just drive to DeKalb and order a pizza and give an address  where it will be delivered  Maybe I could use the church address and just wait in the parking lot.  If I have to go through all that, I might as well just pick it up.

    We'll see.

    I learned today that I have a false memory.  

    I remember as a kid going to Brookfield Zoo and riding the little zoo train from one station to the next.  I loved riding that train.  Aunt Bea lived just a couple of blocks from the zoo and I remember going with her and my mom.  That train was great and it is stuck in my memory as a positive childhood experience.

    So today I get the zoo magazine.  This issue highlights events in the zoo's history.  In 1962 the miniature train was introduced.  It ran until 1967,

    In 1962 I was 14 years old.

    I don't imagine riding the train at 14 is the same as riding the train at age 5 or 6, but the memory I have is riding it when I was 5 or 6.

    As a sidenote, I always wanted to be rich enough to buy enough land to have a miniature railroad, like the ones in kiddy lands and amusement parks.  My train would go through woods, across rivers, through a tunnel....and I would spend hours just riding it.

    Maybe I was 14 when I rode it.  I guess that doesn't matter, because I have a great memory of something that may not have happened.  I'm ok with that.

    Stay healthy.  Stay safe.

Peace and Love

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