Saturday, May 22, 2021


 Farmer Terry has the crops in for the growing season

    Well, hopefully.  The peas look terrible.  Today I planted bush beans, Italian beans, 2 tomato plants, 2 pepper plants, carrots and 1 hill of cucumbers.  I plan on planting a second hill of cucumbers in a couple of weeks, hopefully they won't all ripen at the same time.

    I also took compost out of my compost bin....a lot of compost.  I shovel it into a screen and then sift out the debris.  

    Needless to say, my back is a bit tender right now.  I took two ibuprofins, but that does not seem to help.

    I also moved the front porch furnture out to the porch.

    But the most time was spent on looking for my bulb planters.  I didn't find them, but ran across a hedge trimmer I have been missing for years and finally replaced, some window washing solvent, a fish trap, a very stylish one eyed copper frog, one very dead, very hard, very dried up toad.  But no bulb planters.

    I have finished my chairs and table but the table does not look right.  John and Emily were over tonight and I asked their opinion, which confirmed mine that it needs another coat of oil.  So tha is tomorrow's project.  I better check the legs to be sure they look good.

    As easy as that sounds, I had to go buy oil and another brush.

     I have a lot of planting to do, but I can't until my rock and mulch are delivered.  I thought it would all be here by now, but I guess I reckoned incorrectly.

      Emily and John brought a couple of dogs to visit.  Corki spent the entire time barking.  She also spent a lot of time sizing up one point Corki's eyes started at floor level and slowly went up until I thought she would fall over.  Quite a contrast between a Great Dane and Corki.

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy

Peace and Love

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