Saturday, May 15, 2021


 This was not a good day

    It was raining when I woke up at 7 this morning, so I figured we (actually, Linda) would not be setting up quite yet for the street fair in Creston.

    I went back to bed until 7:30.  Same thing.

    At some point I checked my phone (translated that means I found my phone) and learned the event had been cancelled.

    Instead of going back to bed, I did my Saturday morning chores; changing the bed linens and washing the old ones.  Then I got Jackie out of the shower and dressed and did a load of towels.

    Dishes were done, breakfast was done, we were all dressed and it was still drizzling.  That meant no sanding of the final chair, because I do it in the driveway with and electric sander and that just did not seem safe.

    It also meant no mowing, no planting the rest of the garden, no I took a nap.  I sat in my chair at about 11 and Jackie woke me about 1:15.  It had stopped raining, but it was wet and chilly, so I made lunches, did dishes, ran the dishwasher and settled in to watch a couple of tv shows and then the Cubs.

    I did make one mistake.  I was hungry for a burger.  For supper I went to a place that sells a variety of burgers.  I got the sourdough melt.  I have had it before and it has always caused me some gastric distress.  But....ever the optimist....I ordered it again and am now suffering some gastric distress.

    As my former PT said, "You are an adult, make adult decisions."    I have decided no more sourdough melts.  Better late then never.

    Stay healthy.  stay safe.

Peace and Love

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