Saturday, May 8, 2021


 I worked my fingers off today

    Seriously.  I only have 8 left and am finding it extremely hard to type.

    I sanded two chairs and the table.....and my hand is sore.  Sore from holding the sander, sore from changing sandpaper, sore from drying out....just plain sore.

    I have a problem with garlic mustard in my yard.  It is a fast growing, fast spreading, stinky weed.  I have a lawn service, but they suggested I spot spray with weed killer.

    So I did.

    First thing I used to tell students is read the directions.

    Well, I didn't read them all.  The label said rain resistant in one hour.  I knew it was going to rain later in the day, so I figured I was safe.  After I was done, I read all the directions and it said not to apply when rain is expected within 24 hours.  So, that may be a wasted hour of my life.

    I woke Jackie up about 3 a.m. to tell her Sally was bringing the beer.  Twice.  She asked me what?  And I said again, Sally is bringing the beer.  Then I went back to sleep.

    And Sally did bring the beer.....she had a parade that featured seveeral bands, caged animals, floats and Sally herself at the end, magnificently dressed in a red flowing evening gown and holding a six pack of beer  She looked a lot like Suzanne Sugerbaker of Designing Women, which was on when I fell asleep, I think.

    Sometimes even I don't understand me.

Stay healthy.  Stay safe.

Peace and Love

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