Thursday, May 27, 2021


 A pretty crappy day, weather wise

    Could not ride, but I could shop!

    I ended up buying a tripod sprinkler for the garden.  Seems strange saying that on a day when it is raining, but eventually that will stop.

    Yesterday I was wearing shorts, today I have on a sweatshirt and long pants.  I did see some guys my age wearing sandles, t shirts and shorts and I wondered what was wrong with their body matabolism.

    I also stopped and bought a couple of cupcakes for Jackie and me.  After supper, I asked if I should make a dessert and then I went into the kitchen, banged around some pots, ran the mixer, and put the cupcake on a plate, apologizing for not having enought time to do a better one.

    I thought it was funny.  But it was really chocolate grenache.

    Our den  is an absolute disaster zone.  It looks like one of those houses where they find people who have been dead for several months.  Well, not that bad.  I am cleaning it out so we can have the floors done.

    I found a couple of things I thought were interesting and honestly, don't know what to do with them except toss them.

    If you are of a certain age, you will remember these.  We still have a picnic basket we "bought" with these when  we were first married.  I confess, a friend named David used to work at a gas station and gave us ample stamps whenever we gassed up when he was working. 

    This guy, Steam Train, was once elected King of the Hobos.  If I remember, the election was contested because too many people who were not hobos may have voted in the election, but nobody could find any proof.  His supporters stormed some box cars, trashed them, and said they were just tourists.  I find that a dubious claim.

    Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Stay warm and dry.

Peace and Love

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