Tuesday, May 4, 2021

day...doctor, doctor.......423

 This must be appointment week

    Jackie had a doctor appointment today, has another tomorrow, a hair appointment Friday morning and I have a medical appointment tomorrow.

    There is hardly any time for a nap, although I did manage one at 11 a.m. today!  It felt good, but I felt guilty because I should have been working on cleaning out a closet.  I think that is why calendar makers invented tomorrow.

    It was quite the boring day.  

    I did buy  lettuce for a salad tonight, then forgot it in the car until about 8:30.  Then it was too late.

    I am making more than my average number of typos, which means it its time to trim my nails. 

    Tomorrow I have a blood test to double check my PSA level, which is 0 since the operation last November.  I believe the good doctor said this will be my last visit with him for at least a year.  I will be happy with that.

    So....stay safe.  Stay healthy.

Peace and Love

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