Friday, May 28, 2021


 Rain, rain, go away

    I turned the heat back on today.  It was in the low 60s in the house when we got up, just too cool for me.

    The wind has been terrible all day.  Rain, wind, so no bike riding.

    Instead, I spent the afternoon at the museum in town.  We are a little short staffed today, so I sat at a desk just to be the second person in the building.

    Years ago we had an elderly gent who volunteered every Saturday.  He would sit at "his" desk, read the paper, have a coffee and fall asleep.  Sometimes I would go in the museum and walk right past him witout waking him up.

    Well, I was almost that guy today!

    I was doing some stuff on the computer.  The director was working in her office.  My eyes got heavier and heavier.  It was so quiet, the rain was pelting on the windows. and I almost nodded off.

    But not quite.

    I did get a beverage at my favorite local coffee spot.  I go in about once a week and know all the females who work there.  But one young thing, who is the sweetest person, flummoxes me.  I always, repeat, always, call her Tabitha! That would be ok if it was her name, but it isn't!.  She always says "Hello, Terry" when I walk in, but I have a mental block about her real name. 

    Just before i go in I tell my self, "Her name is Betty (not her real name.  Why not confuse myself more, eh?)  Her name is Betty.  Her name is Betty."  I open the door, see her and say, "Hello, Tabitha."  Then she says, "I'm Betty."

    It just like the emovie Groundhog Day, just not as funny anymore.

    I guess the next step is writing it on my hand.

    Final  outdoor furnture note:  I have decided to do the table legs after all.  Tomorrow will be a good day to do that.  In the garage.  Warmly dressed.

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Find something that makes you laugh.

Peace and Love

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