Monday, May 24, 2021


This has been a strange week 

    And it is only Monday!

    I sat down and made another two lists of things I need to do.  I know, this is a broken record!  I keep complaining about how much I have to do but I spend an abnormal amount of time playing solitaire, checking Facebook, reading the Trib, and napping.

    Today was a little different.  I did not nap, have not been on Facebook yet, have not read the Trib and have not played solitaire.

    And I barely acomplished anything.

    Go figure.

    Tomorrow Jackie has a doctor appointment in the suburbs, so that means I won't get  much done then either.  

    Meanwhile, I keep adding to my lists.  And even though I mowed Friday, the grass is really long again.  So I will try to mow when we get home tomorrow.

    Life is a circle.  Until it isn't.

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.

Peace and Love

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