Sunday, May 9, 2021

day....moms' day.....428

 In honor of Mothers' Day I did very little

    My hands were still sore from yesterday and it is too cold outside.  But tomorrow I will have to work on the damn chairs.

    We had a nice Skype visit with Julia in Switzerland.  It's always good to talk to her and be able to see her.

    Tonight Emily and John came over with some beautiful planters and delicious cheesecake.  It was great seeing them and catching up with their lives.

    Those two girls mean more to me than I can describe.

    As for me?  Well, we are having some work done in the house and I have to clean out some closets.  I have one done, and started on the hard one today.

    I spent three hours going through two shelves.  Most of the time was spent going through two little shoe box sized containers.  I hardly tossed anything out.  Pictures, memories....journals from my two Alaska trips.  All went back into the containers.

    I just get too emotional.  I found a Father's Day card from the girls they gave me in 1982.  Did I toss it?  Heck no.

    Maybe some day I will.....just not today.

    Hope you had a wonderful day.

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Keep the memories.

Peace and Love

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