Wednesday, May 26, 2021

day.....late again......445

 I seem to be reverting to my old ways

    I like to do this earlier in the evening, but I have been falling behind.

    With doctor visits, lawn mowing, planting, weeding, and the outdoor furniture, I am falling behind in some things I normally do.

    Fer instance:  Al ost 11 and I am starting this.  Have not read the Tribune yet. 5 messages I need to send to people, hve not yet played solitaire.  

    On the other hand,  my newspaper column  is mostly done and pictures are ready to be mailed, I did get a 7 mile bike ride in today, and the dishes are done and the recycling is out.

    I found the bicyle flashing red light I have been looking for for a week.   Turns out, it was right where I put it, I just did not see it when I looked there.  On the desk.  In front of me. One week looking for it and looking at it.  Damn.

    I just hope the weather is not as bad as they predict.  I would like to ride the  next couple of days.....frees my mind and allows me to get some exercise.

    Speaking of which, took Corki for a walk today and noticed she goes a little slower than she used to.  Also has a bit of a limp.  We walked a while, she stopped, looked at me and turned around to go home.  I guess she is getting old, just like me.

    Stay healthy.  Stay safe. 

Peace and Love

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